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The keynote report session of the 2023 World Sensor Conference successfully held

时间:2023-11-08 18:01:11  来源:互联网
On November 5, the keynote report of the 2023 World Sensor Conference was successfully held at the Zhengzhou International Convention and Exhibition Center.   

Keynote report conference site

This conference is hosted by the Henan Provincial People's Government and the China Science and Technology Association, organized by the Zhengzhou Municipal People's Government, the Henan Provincial Department of Industry and Information
Technology, the Henan Provincial Science and Technology Association, the Chinese Instrument and Control Society, the German-Chinese Friendship Association Federation, and the Zhengzhou High-tech Zone management committee.

The keynote report of the conference was delivered by Mr. Shen Weiming, a professor at Huazhong University of Science and Technology , an academician of the Canadian Academy of Engineering.


Chu Junhao (researcher at the Shanghai Institute of Technical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, dean of the Institute of Optoelectronics at Fudan University, and academician of the Chinese Academy of Science) gave a report titled "Infrared Sensors in the Context of the Intelligent Era".

Fellow Chu is an infrared physicist, semiconductor physics and device expert, and has been engaged in research on infrared optoelectronic materials and devices for a long time. This report focuses on three aspects: the intelligent era and sensors, several new developments in infrared sensor research, and intelligent infrared sensing technology. It was elaboratedand pointed out that it is necessary to conduct in-depth research from the source on the new rules of interaction and conversion between multiple elements such as light, electricity, heat, magnetism, sound, etc. and its new technologies, so as to truly create powerful devices in the intelligent era.

Professor Kenneth T.V. Grattan, recipient of the Order of the British Royal Order, academician of the Royal Academy of Engineering, Professor of City College, University of London, gave a report titled "Optical Fiber Sensors for Industrial Applications". As the President of the “International Federation of Measures” and the winner of the Chinese Government Friendship Award, Prof Grattan said that he was very happy to return to China to give a speech. By demonstrating analytical experiments and examples, he hoped to let the audience feel the broadness and scope of the field of optical sensors. The huge potential of the market, he said, is that technological advancement combined with a wide range of applications is a multi-billion dollar market that continues to grow. Whether in the UK or China, the professor emphasized that the advantages of using optics will be the way forward for some future solutions.

Wang Chenglu, CEO of Shenzhen Kaihong Digital Industry Development Co., Ltd., gave a report titled "Kaihong Secure Digital Base, Creating the Security Cornerstone for IoT Sensors." As the founder of Hongmeng system, Mr. Wang is known as the "Father of Hongmeng" in the industry. He said that “sensors are becoming more and more important in the entire process of industrial digitalization. All data must be generated under a unified standard. This is crucial to the entire digital development in the future. “ Mr. Wang showed that the Hongmeng operating system can run on a single chip microcomputers or large scale devices. It interacts and connects people and the entire system through the super device management platform, thereby continuously empowering the digital and intelligent transformation of all walks of life . He believes that Hongmeng operating system will bring a revolution to all current hardware forms. Hardware is no longer limited by physical form constraints, but relies on software-based assembly and individual scenarios. In addition, Mr. Wang said that Shenzhen Kaihong is determined to become a company building up industry platforms, recruiting talents and form in-depth cooperation with friends. He believes that driven by the strong demand of the entire society, there will be a lot of room for future development in the sensor field.

Li Ke, Vice President of CCID Consulting Co., Ltd., delivered the "2023 Global Sensor Industry Trend Research Report". Mr. Li first gave detailed analysis of the current development of the entire global sensor industry, analyzed the industry from both qualitative and quantitative perspectives, and gave a forecast of China's huge development potential in the future market from two aspects: product application structure and product regional structure. He analyzed in detail the five major opportunities in the global sensor industry in the future, “integration, flexibility, passiveness, diversification, and cross-fusion”. Finally, he put forward four suggestions: focus on new technologies and new materials, focus on application scenarios, focus on artificial intelligence, and promote international cooperation. He believed that international cooperation, technological innovation and industrial overall development in the entire sensor field will surely achieve newer and better developments.


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